Pick up date: Tuesday, January 14 (at the adult information desk)
Pick up time: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
It’s time for some fun with stories, songs, and nursery rhymes in both English and Spanish. This story time is perfect for parents/caregivers and their little ones who speak Spanish and/or English already or for those who don’t, but wou
Let's ace our midterms this winter! Join us this week after school (Monday through Thursday) from 3-5pm to get in some extra study hours. Group studying is encouraged, but quiet study is always welcome.
Ready, set, GO! Grab your controller and join us at the Library for a gaming party where we will play some fun multi-player switch games together!
In this class, students will get to explore the physical benefits of Yin Yoga as well as how it can help us energetically, emotionally and mentally. Yin Yoga works deeply into our body with passive, longer-held poses.
Additional Information
Liability Waver
By registering for this program, the individual(s) and/or parent/legal guardian of the registered child(ren) do hereby agree to waive, release, and hold harmless the Town of North Haven and its agents and employees from any and all causes of action including personal injury and/or property damage.