North Haven Memorial Library 17 Elm St North Haven, CT 06473 United States
Did you know that Canva now offers a free website builder? Join Emily T. for a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create a Canva site. We'll cover a few graphic design basics in ad...
Did you know that Canva now offers a free website builder? Join Emily T. for a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create a Canva site. We'll cover a few graphic design basics in addition to responsive web design, domain names, and more.
By registering for this program, the individual(s) and/or parent/legal guardian of the registered child(ren) do hereby agree to waive, release, and hold harmless the Town of North Haven and its agents and employees from any and all causes of action including personal injury and/or property damage.
Join Sound Practitioner, Kelvin Young, as he plays the crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, gong, ocean drum, chimes and other healing instruments (tools) to activate the relaxation ...
Join Sound Practitioner, Kelvin Young, as he plays the crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, gong, ocean drum, chimes and other healing instruments (tools) to activate the relaxation response to calm your mind, relax your body, feel
Please join Jeremy K. Farrell, a passionate Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Advocate and a proud person on the Spectrum, for a presentation on providing insights to parents on the e...
Please join Jeremy K.
Per the North Haven Memorial Library's Program Policy, the library reserves the right to to photograph/record individuals and groups attending library services and programs. These photos and/or videos may be used for promotional purposes. Participants may request from a staff member that their image, or that of their child, not be used by the Library for these purposes.
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